Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Getting started.... Again

Welcome to the record keeping blog of the 757th Catachans - L.W.B.G.  I have absolutely no idea why the hell I'm doing this except for.... well, why not?

The reason I've named them Losers With Big Guns (L.W.B.G.) is 2 part actually.  The first is mostly due to their "backstory" that I'm going to spare the details until maybe another time.  The second is.... their record up until now completely sucks.  But I have to admit, that's 50% my fault what with forgetting orders, not using units to their full potential, not using the internet for better info, and playing to have fun and enjoy the game.

"Wait... Did you say play to have fun???  With that attitude.. YOU DESERVE TO LOSE!!!"

*nods* Probably so.   And considering the fact that my friends (who I play 98%) of my games with play Assault Blood Angels, shooty Orks (he makes it work with lots of trukks with that damned opened-top rule), and a buddy whose red-maging I could write volumes about, my losing streak is pretty impressive.

Hence, Losers With Big Guns.

And while some would probably say I should sell my army, slit my wrists, and die a slow death for being completely fail with a potentially awesome army, I'm not.  I'm going to stick it out through every grueling battle until I figure out how to get them winning for a change.  Maybe I should make all my troops look like Charlie Sheen. *shrugs*